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Links & Resources


Catholic Diocese of Jackson: www.jacksondiocese.org

Give Us This Day: www.giveusthisday.org

EWTN channel 370 on Direct TV or channel 261 on Dish or at: www.ewtn.com

America Magazine, the Jesuit publication, has many good resources and articles at: americamagazine.org

National Human Trafficking Hotline: 888-373-7888


Closest Catholic Church: catholicmasstime.org

Search Mass times and Catholic churches near you.

Official Vatican Homepage: Vatican.va

Presents news services, information on the history of the Catholic Church and departments of the Roman Curia, as well as Church.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: usccb.org

The teaching authority of the Catholic Church, called the Magisterium, lies with all of the bishops who are led by the pope and guided by the Holy Spirit. The pope and bishops are the authoritative teachers in the Church. In this section of our Web site, you can find information about many forms of Catholic teaching.

Word on Fire: wordonfire.org

Word on Fire Catholic Ministries is a nonprofit global media apostolate that supports the work of Bishop Robert Barron and reaches millions of people to draw them into— or back to— the Catholic faith.Word on Fire is evangelical; it proclaims Jesus Christ as the source of conversion and new life. Word on Fire is Catholic; it utilizes the tremendous resources of the Roman Catholic tradition—art, architecture, poetry, philosophy, theology, and the lives of the saints— in order to explain and interpret the event of Jesus Christ. Word on Fire Catholic Ministries exists to draw people into the body of Christ, which is the Church, and thereby give them access to all the gifts that Jesus wants his people to enjoy. To be most effective in this mission, Word on Fire places an emphasis and urgency on the use of contemporary forms of media and innovative communication technologies.

Faith First: faithfirst.com

Catholic College Students Resources and Scholarships: affordablecollegesonline.org

While some Catholic college students have chosen to attend one of the 250 degree-granting Catholic colleges and universities in the United States, plenty of non-Catholic students choose to attend these schools as well. With total enrollment of over 800,000 students, these institutions have a basis in Catholic beliefs, but they also deliver a high-quality education. Catholic students who don’t choose to attend a Catholic university can still find a wealth of community and campus support dedicated to practicing and even strengthening their faith at many of the non-Catholic colleges and universities around the country.

Franciscan Media: franciscanmedia.org

Home of the online editions of St. Anthony Messenger, Catholic Update and other Catholic features, is a service of Franciscan Media (formerly known as St. Anthony Messenger Press), Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.   The first issue of St. Anthony Messenger magazine was published by the Franciscan friars of Cincinnati on June 1, 1893. Over the decades it grew into one of the principal Catholic family magazines in the United States. In 1970, in the wake of the Second Vatican Council, the magazine expanded into Franciscan Media, which has become one of America’s largest publishers of popular, inspirational and educational Roman Catholic spirituality resources. These include the popular parish handout series Catholic Update, Every Day Catholic, and Bringing Home the Word, as well as books, audiobooks, and DVDs. In 1994, still under the operation of the Franciscan friars, St. Anthony Messenger Press acquired Franciscan Communications, the well-known Franciscan media enterprise located up to that time in Los Angeles. AmericanCatholic.org took its place on the Internet in June 1996. On this site you will find reliable information on the Catholic and Christian faith. Much of this comes through the online edition of our family magazine, St. Anthony Messenger, and through our catalog of books, videos, audiocassettes and subscription products. Our sister site, CatholicSAMPler.com, offers free samples of Franciscan Media products. A variety of features, like Saint of the Day and Minute Meditations, appear exclusively on AmericanCatholic.org.

My Catholic Will: mycatholicwill.com/jacksondiocese

Here is a link to download a pdf of the Catholic Funeral and Financial Planner Guide.

Sample Bequest Wording for Your Will:

“I will, give, and bequeath unto St. Joseph Catholic Church in Gluckstadt, MS, EIN ID# 93-2093993 with principal offices located at 845 Lakeshire Dr; Tupelo, MS 38802 < [1] a specific dollar amount ($_______); [2] or a percentage of your entire estate (_______%); [3] or a percentage of your liquid estate only (_____% of the liquid assets of my estate) to be used for ongoing ministries of the church.”


St. Thomas Catholic Church: Euclatubba Road, Saltillo, MS 38866 (12.5 miles from St. James Catholic Church)

St. Christopher Catholic Church: 431 Pineridge Drive, Pontotoc, MS 38866 (22 miles from St. James Catholic Church)