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Liturgy Commission


Our most important witness of faith as a Catholic community is to come together in daily and weekly celebrations to hear the Word of God and to partake of the Eucharist. Our parish community is deeply dedicated to liturgies that enrich the life of the individual and of the community. Besides Sunday Eucharist and feast days, this includes the parish mission, devotions, and the recruitment and training of the liturgical ministers.

Training for Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Altar Servers, and Ushers is provided on an as needed basis. All members (with some age limitations) are invited to volunteer and newcomers who have served in a ministerial role in other parishes or wish to begin a new ministry at St. James are especially welcome.  Please contact the parish office: 662.842.4881


Men and women who proclaim the Word during Liturgy and for special liturgical celebrations. 


This Ministry is open to men and women of the Parish. Their responsibility will be greeting parishioners as they arrive, seating latecomers, collecting weekly offerings, distributing bulletins and answering questions.


This ministry is for individuals and families who wish to bring up the gifts during the offertory. Simply get with an usher before Mass and let him know you and your family wish to be the Mass Gift Bearers.


This ministry is open to any male or female who has completed 3rd grade. Training is offered to new alter servers.


This ministry is appointed by the Pastor. Must have received all 3 Sacraments of Initiation. 


Another way to participate in the Liturgy is through our music program.

The St. James adult choir is open to anyone who wants to join and there are no auditions.  You do not need to read music to participate or have had any previous choral experience. Simply a willingness to sing is required.Please contact Lailah Valentine at Lbvalentine@hotmail.com  

The Corpus Christi Choir is open to all young people from 8th grade -25 years of age. The Corpus Christi Choir sings at 5:00pm Mass weekly and during special announced events. Please contact Erin Bristow if you are interested in being part of the Corpus Christi Choir at seedtickroad@hotmail.com

Adult and Youth Instrumentalists: There are times during the year when certain instrumentalists are needed to play at liturgies. If you read music, and are proficient on your instrument  please consider being part of the Music Ministry.