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Contact Us


Phone:  662.842.4881

St. James Physical Address:

1911 North Gloster Street, Tupelo, MS 38804

St. Thomas Mission Church Physical Address:

612 County Road 683 Saltillo, MS 38866

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 734  Tupelo, MS  38802


Pastor: Rev. Timothy Murphy


Pastor: Rev. Timothy Murphy

P: 662.304.0087   E: tpxm33@gmail.com

Associate Pastor: Father Octavio Escobar

P: 662.208.4537   E: james24tavo@gmail.com

Deacon: Carlos Sola Fonseca

P: 787.473.3602

Director of Parish Life: Michelle Harkins

P: 662.231.1055   E: michelle@stjamestupelo.com

Parish Business Manager: Meg Gibens

P: 662.842.4881   E: meg@stjamestupelo.com

Hispanic Minister: Raquel Thompson

Ph: 662.402.9599   E: vallede53@yahoo.com

Program Coordinator of Hispanic Minister: Olga Soltero

Ph: 787.379.3499

Director of Faith Formation: Rhonda Swita

Ph: 662.231.7671   E:rhondaswita@gmail.com

Administrative Assistant & Bulletin Editor: Luz Acosta

Ph: 662.842.4881   E:stjamestupelo.com

Junior CYO Coordinator: Jai Eschete

E: escheteot77@bellsouth.net

Catechsis of the Good Shepherd Coordinator: Karen Mayfield

E: stjamescgs@comcast.net

RCIA Directors: James and Rebecca Hayes

E: jhayespost@gmail.com

Adult Choir Music Minister: Lailah Valentine

Ph: 662.401.3584   E: lbvalentine@hotmail.com

Youth Choir Music Minister: Erin Bristow

Ph: 662.610.1151   E: seedtickroad@hotmail.com

Campus Grounds: Salvador Perez



Pastor Council:

E: tpxm33@gmail.com

Finance Council:

Coming Soon…

Pastor: Rev. Timothy Murphy